As the eyes are one of our most prominent facial features and are often the central focus for the people with whom we transact, speak, and spend our time, their beauty and prominence is paramount. Symmetry and balance play an integral role in the youthful and vibrant presentation of the eyes and in turn, the face in its entirety.
Correctional or functional blepharoplasty
One of the most common concerns that a blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, does well in correcting is any unevenness or asymmetry between the two eyelids. Whether due to hereditary conditions or from age-related changes that include the weakening of muscles and the accumulation of fatty tissues, this condition is more common than typically realized and can often move beyond cosmetic concerns and onto functional problems. Balancing the eyelids with a blepharoplasty brings a rejuvenation, more youthful features, and restores functionality and self-confidence if the condition was advanced.
Why the eyelids become asymmetrical
The eyelids develop an asymmetry due to inherent genetic conditions, or from the natural process of aging, the environment, and lifestyle habits which cause the skin around the eyes to lose their natural elasticity. Further, muscles in the area can weaken or lose tone and exacerbate the condition. If fatty skin accumulates around the eyes, it may also cause drooping in one eye more so than the other. Yet another cause is also correctable with a related surgical procedure: ptosis is a condition of the eyelids in which one of both of them loses its ability to remain in a naturally open position.
Correct asymmetrical eyelids
Asymmetry in the eyelids themselves is corrected with blepharoplasty. Asymmetry in the eyebrows is fixed permanently with a brow lift, or temporarily with injectables such as Botox, that inhibit motion from overactive muscles causing the unbalance. To create a balanced and more youthful face that appears more rested, perfect symmetry isn’t actually required. However, if you notice an asymmetry, the chances are that others do as well. This can be treated. To correct this, one or both eyelids are operated on to produce an evenness and balance with the better eye.
How many treatments will I need?
Symmetry of the eyes and face depend on a number of factors, each of which can be gradiently improved. For instance, a cheek lift or fillers could correct midface asymmetry, while a blepharoplasty balances and corrects the eyelids. Oftentimes what occurs is a patient presents with a primary factor that is the cause of the most obvious asymmetry, and correcting it alone renders a face that looks far more balanced, youthful and revitalized. The choice is ultimately the patient’s and we stand ready to help them accomplish it.
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